Saturday, January 12, 2008


I’m sprawled snugly on my bed.
With every bit of physical stamina spent,
I groggily allow my mind to roll instead.

I see a film of those good old times,
When we filled our lives with shameless giggles and gossips
- Sounds more euphoric than that of a Christmas bell’s chimes.

But then you know how our minds are downright devils!
They don’t let you indulge in lollypop-sweet memories,
but casts them away, by bringing forth those harsh perils.

I wonder how those moments have left an emotional dent,
So ocean- deep and morbidly stark-
Of which you can’t help but sadly repent.

Before despair gets the better of me,
I try to nod it off in a strenuous attempt,
Deciding what through my mind I want to really see.

I allow those dark clouds to metamorphose
Into beautiful and sunny vibrant skies –
Something I achieve through sheer mental force.

I program my mind to delve in to the future,
Where the scenario would be more promising and exciting
- This I’ve always wanted to picture.

But, oh heck! – Mr. Dirty Mind scores again,
By inviting his friends: Mr. Fear, Mrs. Insecurity and Miss. Uncertainity
-As if it’s trying to say ‘ life ahead is a helluva lot of pain!’

It makes me see the trials and tribulations I’ve to pull through
-like a rake working its way in and out of snow-
For ultimately in the end, my worth I’ve to prove.

Arrgggh! I’m desperately caught in a crossroads
Failing to decide what to think,
With my thoughts alternating like boxes in chessboards.

At that, I notice in the corner, a clock unmindfully ticking away.
And then, so unceremoniously, it dawns on me how I’m squandering
The precious minutes of life by forgetting to live the day.

So I firmly ask myself not to purposelessly lament ,
Because if there’s anything more urgent and demanding,
It’s living the moment !!!!!


Nithya said...

LOVE IT!!! ..i can say no more

Dainty doyene said...

Dear Supernova
I salute your live today attitude.The lines are impressive too.
Dainty doyene

Unknown said...

nice dingbat.......awesome poems......omg.......luve dem.......mwahz missing u man........