In her womb, I patiently rested as a fetus,
Crawled up and cramped,
More like an unblossomed lotus.
After what seemed like ages, out of her body I wriggled.
The first thing I heard was that gasp of relief -
It told me that, to get me out, she really struggled.
Oblivious I had been of the worldly issues,
I was naive, curious and not knowing what to expect.
Seeing this, she wiped her tears of joy with her tissues.
Unknown hands picked me up and slapped my but.
Downright perplexed by this malevolent act,
My mouth couldn’t remain shut.
I let out an ear-splitting cry,
Echoing my wrath for the cruel welcome;
Moreover, to that stranger I made my face wry.
Later em bosomed in those loving hands, she gave me a kiss.
And, at that juncture, it transformed miraculously,
Into a feeling of eternal bliss.
For I knew then, it was her welcome sign;
For me to embark upon a journey-
An opportunity, she claimed exclusively to be mine.